19. Why Why

Finished: 20/12/2021

Single Chapter

Kamino was nothing like Mandalore. Even discounting the constant storms that washed over Tipoca City day after day, night after night, the ocean planet was lifeless and barren in a way that even the war-ravage Manda’yaim could never feel like. Her home had survived through wars, through near extinction and it still thrived. Even as that dar’manda Kryze tried her best to erase and remove everything that was and made them Mandalorian, they still lived, still resisted, still flourished.
Well. Not they. of Clan Marren and House Vizsla no longer existed. She was no longer them, part of her own people. Once she heeded the call of the Mand’alor – for all that he did not accept the title any longer – to come to this watery hell and serve a purpose she could not entirely agree with, ceased to be. Her only aliit now was the likes of Dred Priest and Isabet Reau, creatures she’d never have associated herself with under other circumstances. She barely considered them to be Mando’ade at all, much less her vode.
’s opinions, however, did not matter. She hadn’t been called to be part of the Cuy’val Dar because of what she thought or didn’t think. The Mand’alor had wanted the best of the best to train his clones and that meant her too. It puzzled her deeply, even after more than four years into this whole mess. They’d never seen eye to eye, her and Jango Fett, her disgust with his life choices hardly a secret. Before that, of course, there had been professional competition and a lifetime ago, back when she had been Haat Mando’ade, a child of Mand’alor Mereel’s best and brightest, there had been some childish infatuation.
Jango had never looked at her with more than distant curiosity and, later, contempt. had grown out of her affections to hold her Mand’alor accountable for all his failings, even as she still followed him as the Resol’nare demanded. The two of them were rarely in the same place together for more than a few minutes, a trend that had started long before the Cuy’val Dar had been formed at all.
Thankfully, they did not lack for work. Though the Kaminoans had yet to perfect their horrific craft, they were close enough and the clones that did make it through the production were sent to be trained and it gave them all plenty to do. found a strange kinship with Skirata, someone whom she did not completely trust given his personal relationship with Mand’alor Fett. followed the man, yes, because he was her leader. She trusted him, for now, because she believed he was the best alternative. But she could not imagine or stomach the idea of being close to him in any way.
She had one hundred and four souls to turn into the best ori’ramikade the galaxy had ever seen, damn the Mand’alor and his insistence that the clones were not Mandalorians. would do here what she could to counter Kryze’s poisonous influence in Manda’yaim and the Death Watch’s ridiculous distortion of what it meant to be Mandalorian. Marren had a job, and she would see it done.
— That’s enough for today — the woman called out, helmet distorting her voice slightly.
The cadets were used to it, though. Only a couple of the CCs had ever seen her without her bucket firmly on. Whilst did not follow The Way, she still felt more comfortable with her full beskar’gam on than anything.
— Wash up, hit the mess and I want the simulation modules completed by tomorrow at 5 sharp. — the cadets, ever so efficient, powered down their weapons and started putting them away.
They were not her adi’ike, not her aliit, but could not help but feel pride bloom underneath her ribcage as they cleaned the rifles properly, just like she’d taught them.
— CC-1010, stay behind for a moment — leaning against the barren wall of the shooting range, watched as the cadet in question nodded and finished his work, standing in parade rest until all of his brothers were gone and the door was closed.
CC-1010 was only three years standard but he looked to be double that or a little more. The ageing would pick up in the coming year, giving him more growth in the span of twelve months than a natborn would have in a decade. It would slow down again, or so one of the demagolka Kaminoans had told her once, but it was still far too fast.
As far as was concerned, he was a child. Ad. And ade were to be protected.
Switching to Mando’a, the woman quietly questioned him about the comings and goings of the other cadet companies – his CC batchmates in specific. As she’d known he would, her little commander reported efficiently, adding his own observations to the information he relayed.
smiled at him. — Very good, Fox’ika. Thank you. Go on now- and don’t forget to keep working on your Mando’a modules. I’ll answer your questions after the war simulations at the end of the week.
The little cadet saluted her sharply and turned on his heel, clearly eager to catch up with his company to wash and eat something. didn’t blame him- she too was eager to call it a day.
It seemed, however, that it was not to be. The door had barely closed behind Fox when it was opened again. was barely in touch with the manda, far from that witchcraft of the Jetii, but she still felt enough that the distortion of beskar was immediately obvious. If the new arrival had been wearing their bucket, she wouldn’t have been able to tell who it was.
But Mand’alor Fett, for whatever reason, was not fully armoured.
Thumping her fist onto her armoured chest in the appropriate Mandalorian salute, inclined her head slightly and tried to hold back the sneer of irritation that coloured her lips. Whilst Fett would not be able to see it, she would not put it past him to guess her true feelings.
Though, to be fair, ever since meeting him again at the start of this...enterprise, had hardly made an effort to hide what her opinion on the man was. If before she had at least tried to keep it down out of respect for his position as Mand’alor, finding out that he had sold himself out to the Republic in such depraved way had stripped her of most niceties.
‘Alor — the greeting was one that Fett barely accepted, as it was, but it was a compromise they had arrived at.
He’d not allow to call him by his rightful title of Mand’alor – as undeserving of it as he kept showing himself to be – but she refused to show what would be equivalent to disrespect by denying him it. Their unease truce meant that neither was happy with what was happening and yet unable to find a better alternative.
— Marren. Heard you’ve been taking an interest in the CC in your company. Going to go all Skirata on me? — Fett’s voice dripped with sarcasm and biting discontent, as it always did after Galidraan.
— I have no plans to adopt any adi’ike, if that’s what you’re implying, ‘Alor. I’d make a poor mother and an even poorer Cuy’val Dar if that was the case.
The man in front of her scoffed, taking another step in her direction. Everything Fett did was calculated and menacing, purposefully so. And wasn’t immune to it, to fear, but she refused to let it show. It was what Fett wanted, what he’d always wanted from her – even before he had cause to be this broken shadow of a man who had once been Jaster Mereel’s heir.
— And yet I hear you teach him Mando’a. That you have instructed the cadets in saying Remembrance — it was the beginning of Fett’s already well-rehearsed spiel on why the clones were not Mandalorian.
had little patience to sit through it once more. Especially when it meant even less with every passing repetition.
— And so do most of the others, ‘Alor. So do you with the Alpha-class, for the matter. Priest and Reau clearly have too much free time, if they have time to keep gossiping and trying to- you know what? I honestly have no idea what they think they’ll achieve.
It’s not as if they could aim to remove her from Fett’s favour, since had never been in it. Jango Fett tolerated her at best and despised her at worst. He believed her to be a necessary evil to his plans, but he’d made it ever clear that he disliked her presence. Reau and Priest were truly, honestly wasting their time with her, if their intention was to rise in Fett’s esteem.
— They envy you. Well, maybe envy is too simple an idea — Fett’s lips wrapped into an ugly smile. It didn’t fit a man as handsome as he is. — Priest desires you as much as he hates you- and there’s quite a bit of hate. Reau already hated you before that, now she absolutely despises what you represent. Both of them envy you. They won’t leave you alone, I don’t think.
It was ’s time to scoff, reaching for the seals of her bucket and taking it off. Her long hair cascaded down her back, pitch black against the painted beskar. She sent Fett a look of contempt.
— Children, both of them. They cannot take me in a fight, so they try for rumours and intrigue, like some perfume Kalevalan aruetii. Besides, they waste their time. If they mean to be into your confidence, to be your trusted shadows, they target the wrong person.
A genuine look of surprise crossed Fett’s face for a moment, before he smoothed it back into blank amusement.
— And why is that, ?
This man was entirely infuriating- were he not the Mand’alor, Alaine would’ve snapped his neck clean long ago.
— You cannot stand me, ‘Alor. You never could and you and I go way back. Before the Cuy’val Dar was even an idea, Jango Fett already hated the sight of Marren. If anything, time has only worsened the situation.
The couple of times had genuinely hit Jango Fett, he’d not looked this stunned. It made her want to hit him again, full beskar gauntlet to his unprotected face. Maybe that would convince him to keep his bucket on more often.
— Is that why you act as if I have the plague, avoiding me and calling me ‘Alor? — Fett was closing the distance between them now and everything in told her to move, to take a step back. It was a predator encroaching in her space and this would end in blood – at best. But give Fett a klick and he’d take a parsec. If backed away, she’d be admitting defeat. — For years you’ve kept half a galaxy between us, and I accepted that my failure as Mand’alor drove you to that point- and now you tell me you did it because you believed I hated you?
Fett- Jango sounded disbelieving and angry. Little gods, he sounded absolutely furious. It had, at some point in his tragic life, become his default setting but he was usually much better at hiding it.
— You’re doing nothing to convince me you don’t, you realise — wrong-footed and with the terrible sensation she’d missed something massive, tried to deflect and defuse the situation as best as she could.
All she managed was Jango’s gauntleted hand slamming against the metal wall behind her, the beskar denting the lesser metal with ease. Whilst had managed to supress a flinch, her breathing did catch – only slightly, but Jango was like a shark scenting blood in the water, and it was foolish to think he’d miss it.
— Maybe – he said, voice almost casual in a way she hadn’t heard in decades, making the hairs in the back of ’s neck stand — I have been going about this the wrong way.
Without giving any quarter to either try to understand what the kriff was happening – or run away, really –, Jango slammed his lips on hers, an act born as much of violence as it was of desire, his beskar’gam pressing against hers.
The last kiss had experienced had been...Pre Vizsla, that overconfident child that had thought to entice her to his idiotic continuation of his father’s stupidity. She’d broken his jaw and told him to go and fuck himself, leaving to pursue one of her bounties. Less than two months later, Jango had found her.
It wasn’t to say that she had not had anyone in her bed ever since. They could not leave Kamino, not in the way that Jango did, but there were many of the Cuy’val Dar in the watery wasteland and she could more and less stand most of them. Priest and Reau were outliers, in a way, and had enjoyed physical companionship with some of her fellow trainers whenever the urge struck.
None of that had prepared her for this. For Jango to seize the silky strands of her hair in between gauntleted fingers, strangely gentle in his roughness. His lips were a little chapped but insistent against her own, the skill with which he claimed ’s mouth denouncing that he’d done more than just bounty hunting in those trips of his.
She should’ve pushed him away, broken his jaw and maybe his neck. definitely did not know what to think of this.
But her body knew how to react and her more base instincts had clearly made a decision already. Far from meek, she pushed against Jango hard, matching the hunger of his kiss whilst making it clear she’d not be manhandled by him. In her beskar, she was as unyielding as he was, a force to be reckoned with – and Jango clearly knew that.
More than just know, he acknowledged her point, easing on the pressure that had kept her pinned against the wall without giving up his relentless assault – and it was almost amusing that Jango kissed the same way he fought.
Gasping, broke the kiss for a moment to breathe, almost rolling her eyes at the demanding, discontent sound Jango made once they parted.
— What — she panted, not pulling away as Jango sucked on her bottom lip filthily, hands moving to the familiar latches and seals of her armour — exactly do you think you’re doing?
— Kissing you. Removing your beskar’gam. Hopefully fucking you at some point soon...? — the man enumerated without stopping his actions, as if none of the words were supposed to concern in the least.
She hated it that he was right.
— This is coming entirely out of nowhere, Jango- shit — her thought process was interrupted by the sound of beskar hitting the floor. — Careful with that, you ogre!
Laughing, Jango kissed the recently exposed skin of her neck as an apology, treating the next piece of her armour more carefully even in his haste.
— Sorry, ’ika. And I told you, I’ve been going about it wrong. It’s not out of nowhere!
Thinking that she could as well make some progress with Jango’s own armour as she tried to make sense of his stupidity, ’s hands moved expertly to remove the beskar from the man’s broad frame. She was, however, careful with it – unlike certain people she knew.
— You mean to say that your method of courting me was to...treat me with disdain, sleep with everyone I knew and make awful life choices? — hoped she sounded as incredulous as she was.
To his credit, Jango paused for half a second before doing away with the last of her beskar’gam and sneaking his hand under the top of her blacks. gasped, the feeling of his chilled, newly un-gauntleted hand on her bare skin making her shiver.
— When you put it like that, it sounds really bad — the admission was grumpy, almost grudging, but it was progress.
Baby steps, thought to herself, a moan escaping her lips as Jango’s enterprising hand cupped her right breast, soft in its roughness.
— If you tell me that bringing me here to raise your clones was your way of offering to start a family with me... — to be fair, had said that for the sake of it because it was impossible.
It was stupid and ridiculous and even Jango couldn’t be that dense, that socially inept.
His guilty silence told her otherwise. For a very long second, seriously contemplated shooting this man.
— I cannot believe you-!
Jango silenced her with another kiss, softer this time. Half apologetic- and really, maybe would have to accept that this was how Jango communicated. Like a Jawa, with grunts and gestures and physical affection. Little gods, she was completely screwed.
— We are going to talk about this, Jango Fett! — it was both a threat and a promise, but the fact had moved to get the rest of his armour off kind of signalled her surrender.
Jango, for once in his life, decided to be a gracious victor and nodded. — We can talk. But later. No talking now. Now I want you.
Growling like the actual animal he was, Jango pressed against the wall again, this time with no metal between their bodies to hide the heat and desire. She gasped, wet and needy, pressing against his chest, their mouths finding one another again in a messy kiss.
A hand crept over her thigh, caressing its way upwards until the fingers were hooked in the waistband of her blacks, pulling the form-fitting underpants down with a sharp movement, her underwear with it. Jango was impatient but so was - mostly confused, yes, but impatient too.
She did the rest of his job for him, kicking off her bottoms and moving to remove her shirt as well. Even this slight separation seemed to irritate Jango, but he was thankfully smart enough to take the opportunity and get rid of his own clothes in the process. Jango Fett looked glorious naked, thought, half convinced she was delirious.
But no- her imagination could not feel this good. Jango was hotter than Mustafar as he pressed against her hard, bare chest against her perky tits, one hand possessively resting against the small of her back and the other hitching her tight up, around his hips. went easily, reaching down for his length, making a pleased little noise as she closed her hand around it. It was heavy, pulsing against her palm and more than a little stiff already.
— I literally cannot believe you — she muttered against Jango’s bottom lip, biting it sharply- just enough to hurt but not enough to draw blood.
She’d see how much he was deserving a bit of roughing up later.
— Talk later. Fuck now.
Wow, the actual animal. Maybe ’s bucket hadn’t been protecting her from blows to the head as well as she thought. She must be going insane to be doing this.
Still, fucking was not at all a bad idea if they were already naked and halfway there anyway. was going to make Jango pay for this with an excruciatingly detailed conversation, but that could wait. Her desire could not.
Picking up speed, she started stroking the thick member in her hand, twisting her wrists almost casually and smirking when it drew a shaky groan out of Jango. might not have been the most experienced around, but she knew her way around a man. Jango, Mand’alor and certified di’kut or not, wasn’t an exception to that.
Just because she could, played him like a fiddle, stroking and teasing at his cock in turns, speeding up only to slow down when it seemed like Jango was getting close. His hands were squeezing her arse so hard that they’d be leaving imprints behind, she was pretty sure, and he was whispering filthy promises against her lips in that heavy, drawled Concord Dawn accent of his.
Though she would not confess to that even under the threat of torture, was growing heavily wet just from that. Without her underwear to soak it through, the sticky fluid was dripping down her thighs, making them filthy. And whilst she hadn’t thought he’d notice, Jango was far more observant where sex was concerned than she gave him any credit for.
The woman gasped in surprise, instinctively pressing her thighs together as she felt Jango’s fingers exploring her folds, playing with her wet intimacy as if he knew the way. And, to his credit, it certainly felt like it.
Knees suddenly a little weak, tried to keep her pace even as he breached her, pushing inside her tightness. Jango cursed again under his breath, pumping his finger in and out, the solitary digit being joined by another one after sped up her hand in retaliation.
— I hardly think you’ll make me come before you do, ’ika — he nibbled on her earlobe, whisper as smug as it was rough.
laughed, shaky and teasing. — You’re not the only one who can have fun, Jango. I just don’t need to leave Kamino for that.
He looked disturbed at that, and the woman couldn’t help but see it as a victory. Surely, he’d grill her for information later and thought it was fair enough- whether she’d answer or not remained to be seen. She took advantage of his distraction, though, to rub her thumb roughly against the weeping tip of Jango’s length, free hand cupping his balls almost playfully.
— This isn’t a competition, maddening woman — he gritted out between his teeth, completely disproving his own point by adding a third finger inside her dripping cunt and curling them just so.
Even as she screamed, promised herself it wasn’t over just yet. It was a competition, whatever Jango had to say about it.


finished first, damn that man. Jango was insufferably smug, even as they collapsed in a sweaty, disgusting heap on the floor of the shooting range.
Somehow, didn’t think she minded it that much.

The End.

Author's note: loosely based on Star Wars Legends (the canon that never was RIP legends you are missed every day).
(Loose) Translations on Mando’a here:

Manda’yaim: the planet Mandalore, as opposed to the Mandalorian System
Dar'manda: not Mandalorian, lacking the spirit of Mandalore. Coward, in a way
Mand’alor: the leader of all Mandalore
Mando’ade: Mandalorians (singular – Mando’ad)
Aliit: family
Vode: brothers, sisters, siblings. Gender neutral (singular – vod)
Cuy’Val Dar: group of trainers recruited by Jango Fett to train the clone troopers. Meaning somewhat as “those who do not exist”
Haat Mando’ade: True Mandalorians, one of the factions in the Mandalorian Civil war (and the best one fight me). They died. It’s very sad. Fuck you Tor Vizsla
Ori’ramikade: supercommandos
Beskar’gam: the Mandalorian armour, made of beskar
Beskar: primary metal of Mandalorian armour and weaponry
Resol’nare: the 6 tenants the Mandalorians follow
Adi’ike: kind of a cute way of saying children. Child – ad. Children – ade. Add the ‘ike in the end and it becomes affectionate.
Manda – the spirit of Mandalore. Here used to refer to The Force™
Jetii: the jedi. The –ii ending is kind of- not great, so it’s a derisive term.
‘Alor: can be short for Mand’alor, can be any sort of leader, captain, commander. Depends on the context. Here it’s kind of both.
Klick and parsec: star wars measuring distances (maybe real ones too who knows not me)
Demagolka: monster. Based on a dude who experimented on children. The worst sort of thing one can be in Mandalore.
Aruetii: outsider. As said before, the –ii is not very complimentary
Kriff: fuck. You’re welcome for the new swear word
Mando’a: the language of Mandalore
Di’kut: idiot

Kalevala, Kamino, Concord Dawn, Mustafar and every other strange word refer to planets/places in the Star Wars Universe.

Note on the nickname thing: like I mentioned up there, you can add something to words to make it cute. So Fox’ika and (insert your name here)’ika is a way to make it sweet, like a nickname.
CC-1010 is an actual clone trooper, commander of the Coruscant Guard. #FoxDeservedBetter squad here. In this AU he’s got mum!Alaina and will be dad once mum is done with him!Jango.

All names other than PP are of actual Star Wars characters.

No clone troopers were harmed in the making of this fanfic. Unfortunately, neither was Dred Priest nor Isabet Reau. Maybe in a sequel.

The whole thing about “raising a family” is a reference both to the Resol’nare (part of it is to teach the children, etc) and to the Mandalorian marriage vows, the riduur’rok (there’s literally a part about raising warriors together and yes, Jango is trying to stealth marry Alaina).

I hope I gathered the general idea of the song but all I got was SPACE RILVARY AND FILTH!!!!!! This was neither thing, but I hope it was enjoyable, nonetheless. Juliane, I really love you I'm so sorry.

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